All You Need To Know About Criminal Law

Have you ever watched TV shows based on the legal system? If you have, then you’ve probably noticed that there are parts of the drama that concentrate on how the evidence of criminal activity is proven.

This is criminal law. It is a set of rules which have relevance to criminal acts. Check out this website to find out what can a criminal attorney in atlanta can help you with. When one fails to obey specific criminal regulations, they break the law and commit a criminal act. The significant difference between criminal law and civil law is that the sentencing for criminal law involves the relinquishing of a person’s rights. 

There are different kinds of criminal law. These are:

  • Misdemeanor: this is criminal activity that is considered to be minor crimes. They include petty theft, traffic offenses, or minor assault. 
  • Felony: these criminal offenses are considered to be very serious. They include robbery, manslaughter, rape, and dealing drugs, or breach of contract.

If you or someone you know has committed a misdemeanor, you will want to reach out to a criminal law center

Criminal Law Regulations/Statutes

There are two different statutes in criminal law. These are:

  • Mens rea: this is described as the mental state that one should be in when they take part in or commit a crime. For instance, if someone is said to have committed murder, then they should have purposefully planned or intended to commit the crime.
  • Actus reus: this is the action required for someone to commit a crime. For example, if one has to be charged with robbery, then they must have been found to have robbed.

Criminal law has many benefits to society in different ways. Let’s have a look at some of them.

· Protection of Property and Individuals

Some criminals aim to harm others or take illegal control of their property. However, with the enforcement of criminal laws, these lawbreakers can be punished. 

· Dispute Settlement

Criminal law has made it possible for the settlement of quarrels and disputes between parties. There exist effective and orderly ways of managing complaints and grievances.

· Maintenance of Order and Law

With a set of rules and regulations within the scope of criminal law, citizens can tell where their boundaries are. It is also possible to know what to anticipate from other people. 

· Enabling Society to Function Effectively

Criminal law allows authorities to gather taxes from citizens, implement policies that would benefit citizens through development, and control vices such as pollution.

· Rehabilitation of Offenders

Although the justice system may allow for a criminal to be punished, judgments such as issuing jail time serve as rehabilitation for offenders. When offenders are convicted of crimes, they are put through a prison system where they have a chance to reform.

· Protects Offenders

Although this may seem like an invalid argument, criminal law does its best to bring offenders to book using the law. It is easy for those who have been offended to want to retaliate. However, criminal law has set rules and procedures that determine how severely an offender should be punished.